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Benefits of scientists deciding to become entrepreneurs 🚀

Basic research at the highest level and its transfer into practical applications are not mutually exclusive. On the contrary, scientific excellence and commercial success often go hand in hand, as many Nobel Prize winners from Max Planck Institutes who are involved in business start-ups or innovations have shown. This is precisely where we want to pick up and use MAX!mize to encourage and enable researchers at the Max Planck Institutes to successfully transfer their scientific findings into a business context. After all, the combination of science and entrepreneurship opens up numerous opportunities and potentials. Those who dare to make the leap can create revolutionary innovations with a science-based start-up.

But what are the advantages for scientists who decide to take the plunge into entrepreneurship? We have listed five arguments for you here:

  1. Realisation of research Scientists often spend many years conducting ground-breaking research. Through entrepreneurship, they can translate these innovations directly into practical applications that improve the lives of many people. For example, medical discoveries can lead to new therapies or technological innovations can enable new products and services.

  2. Independence Being an entrepreneur means being able to determine the direction of your own research and development in many aspects. Pursuing your own visions and ideas while thinking entrepreneurially promotes creativity and innovation. However, independence also means personal responsibility, which in turn has a positive impact on personal skills and growth.

  3. Interdisciplinary growth Moving into the business world requires learning new skills in areas such as management, marketing, business strategy, finances and sales. This interdisciplinary growth can make scientists more versatile and adaptable. The ability to combine scientific expertise with entrepreneurial skills creates a unique competency that is invaluable in both academia and business. In addition, this opens up new career paths beyond an academic career and promotes personal development - each scientist gets to know themselves anew in their individual start-up phase.

  4. Expand networks Entrepreneurial activities give scientists access to a wider network of investors, other scientific entrepreneurs and mentors. These networks provide support, resources and valuable insights that can be essential to the growth and success of a start-up. By attending industry events, conferences and networking meetings, scientists can make valuable contacts that lead to new collaborations and partnerships that open up new opportunities and markets. These networks can also be helpful in obtaining funding and resources.

  5. Economic impact By founding start-ups, scientists contribute directly to the economy and therefore open up the possibility of creating new jobs. This economic impact can also help to sensitise the public and politicians to the importance of science. Successful science-based companies can demonstrate how research and innovation contribute to economic growth. In addition, scientists can solve social and environmental problems through their companies and consequently have a positive impact on society.

Conclusion The transformation of scientists into entrepreneurs offers enormous potential for individual and societal progress. By turning their research into practical applications, scientists can not only advance their careers, but also have a positive impact on the world.

Best of all, participants in the two-phase MAX!mize program can look forward to all the benefits mentioned above. MAX!mize provides scientists with the support they need to turn their research into successful businesses. A structured curriculum based on the needs of science-based start-ups provides a solid foundation through various events, one-on-one sessions with start-up coaches and the help of renowned experts. MAX!mize also enables access to events to get in touch with successful founders, partners, investors and Max Planck entrepreneurs. The program also includes need-based funding tailored to the nature of your start-up project.

Would you like to find out more about the program content and the participating teams? Then follow us on LinkedIn. Here you can expect frequent updates on various topics related to #sciencepreneurship.

For all those who would like to be part of the program themselves: Our next application phase will take place in autumn. We at MAX!mize - the incubation program of the Max Planck Society - would also like to support you in becoming a sciencepreneur. You can also find more information on LinkedIn or here on our website.

With this in mind: Be brave, use your research as the basis for your ground-breaking start-up! 🌟


Discover the benefits of being a sciencepreneur yourself

If you want to experience the benefits first-hand and write your own sciencepreneur journey, then apply for the MAX!mize incubator program. The application window for Batch #5 opens on 5th of August 2024.

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